Friday, October 2, 2009

Are Your Prayers Being Answered by God - Christianity

I spent a large portion of my life praying for things that never seem to come about, like most of us. I would pray for a better life, help with solving certain problems, good health, a new car, to attract abundance into my life, wealth and happiness. I can tell you that I am in good health and have a better life than I used to but I never got the new car and seemed to have a hard time solving certain problems that I was praying for.

Now here's the catch in Christianity. If I pray for something and I get it, great God has blessed you and you must have done something good to receive what you had prayed for. If you don't receive what you prayed for within the next couple of days, maybe it isn't the right time to receive what you were asking for. If I receive what I have prayed for after that, God has answered my prayers and has given me what I needed at the right time. God knows best and I will continue to pray.

When I ask someone who prays often, how do you really know that God has answered your prayers. In Christianity, I'm talking about God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit. I'm not talking about Zeus, Krishna, or any other unspecified creator of the universe. How do you really know that your God has given you what you ask for.

Now think about this for a second, I know that as a Christian you believe in your God but what if, the Hindu god Indra has actually answered my prayer and blessed you. How do I know that Jesus is not one of the Hindu gods, hiding under another name. Could I actually be manifesting my desires from the universe somehow and I am actually God. Think about it, if this doesn't make sense to you, have you ever thought about why yours does.

The minute that I accept something as a fact, I have closed my mind to other possibilities. The world was flat at one time and now it is round. I do not accept the earth has being round, simply because someone has told me this. I can look at pictures, read books, watch movies and come to my own conclusion that there is a very good chance that the earth is round, but I can't seem to forget at one time people thought the earth was flat.

Most of us never even question what we are taught. If you were taught that Jesus, Krishna, Satan or any other god answers your prayers, that's what you probably still believe. Whether your prayers are being answered or not, does not guarantee the existence or deny the existence of God. What you're thinking caps on, Seek and You Will Find.

Eliminate Bible Propaganda

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Click here if you're Interested in Christianity.

How Long Does God Really Want Me to Try?

The Holy Spirit has been working through me for many years and I really want to know how long, God really want me to try? How long does he want me to try to get Christians to think and understand Christianity? I'm doing the best that I can and as long as God is working through me, I will try to do better.

God put me here for a reason and my reason is to teach other Christians about Christianity. As long as the Holy Spirit will keep me alive, I will continue to do the best that I can and teach other Christians, how to study the Bible and where their religion actually came from.

If you're reading this article, your probably interested in Christianity and the Bible, if you do read the Bible, do you actually understand what it's saying. If you study the Bible, are you exposing yourself to others who also study the Bible, or are you only studying the Bible with people you know and are familiar with.

How long are you going to try, before you actually quit? Have you quit before and started again and maybe you've done this a few times, but you haven't quite yet. I know where you're coming from, I've been there myself and continue to motor ahead.

I would like to give you a word of advice, don't ever quit and don't ever give up. Keep searching and you will find the answers, keep knocking and doors will be opened. I have been knocking and will continue to keep knocking.

I wish you nothing but the best of luck on your journey towards the ultimate answers that we're all hoping to find.

Do Christians Believe Everything

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a Christian self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

When Do We Get to Meet God's Parents?

If God is the creator of the universe, who is the creator of God? When I was born, I had a mother and a father and supposedly the two of them together had created me. One could not have created me without the other and therefore I am a product of my parents. I know who my parents are and I even know who their parents are but who is God's parents and were we made in the images of our parents or creators.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth but before that, we know very little about God. Did he have brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, grandparents and even God parents. If he did have brothers and sisters, did they create worlds like he did or she did, we don't know whether God is a man or a woman, transvestite, homosexual or a combination of all of these. We really don't know what God is, even though Michelangelo painted him on the Sistine Chapel.

In the book of revelations it mentions, Revelation 22:13 "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." God says that he is the first and the last, does this mean that there was no one or no entity before him. It goes back to the chicken and the egg, what was first the chicken or the egg, no one knows. Well god knows doesn't he. I don't know why I keep referring to God as a he but bear with me on this one.

I wonder if God was disciplined as a child or even if he was a child. Maybe God was born a full grown person or even a mysterious entity in the form of a smoky cloud. That couldn't be, because God made us in his image and I'm sure that his mother and father look like us. Well, hopefully they look better than us, maybe someone like Brad Pitt or Jennifer Aniston. I hope that he wasn't an ugly person or entity. That would be discouraging.

I guess that's enough of the humor, I rarely hear anyone talk about, who created God. If God formed out of nothingness, why couldn't our earth have formed from nothingness, without God. If God did have parents, brothers and sisters, have they created other universes and what is the purpose of their creations. Are we just one big experiment, part of a big science project?

Anyone interested in using this article to make a movie, feel free to use this information at no charge, I would love to see the movie, when it's done.

Good Christian News

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

If you're really seeking the kingdom of heaven, the glory of God and the true vision that Jesus had, check out some great Christian articles. These articles are designed to teach and educate Christians.

My Message From God - Christian Spirituality

This is a special article to me and I would like to share it with you. It seems like, every one that I have ever met, who refers to themselves as Christians, have received a special message from God.

I would like to share my message from God with every person in the world.

Why would God go out of his way to create evil people? To create people that wouldn't convert to his religion. To understand the true meaning of the one true religion. To have the ability to comprehend the truth and wisdom of Christianity.

I have been listening to Christians for years, talk about evil, the influence of the Bible on Christians, gifts from God, questioning their beliefs, lacking understanding for things that God doesn't give them or things that he takes away from them and excluding sinners from their lives.

I've been listening to Christians talk about love and caring, but excluding sinners, homosexuals and women from their church. Not allowing women to hold decision of authority or allowing them to perform certain tasks, inside of the Church.

I've been listening to Christians, quote from the Bible, with limited knowledge of the origins of that individual Bible verse, let alone the origins of their church or how Christianity was formed.

I've listened to them judge me for my beliefs and condemn others for theirs, while they are telling me about decision's they are making within their own lives, that don't support Christianity.

Just because you go to church, read the Bible or simply believe that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, doesn't make you an educated Christian. It only makes you a Christian.

My message from God is simple. Learn more about Christianity and this will allow you to do one of two things. Either you will become a stronger Christian or you will relinquish your beliefs in Christianity.

Either way you will have learned more about Christianity and could consider yourself an educated Christian or simply an educated person.

Advanced Bible Study

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Click here if you're a Spiritual Chrsitian.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Helping You Recover From Grief and Loss

Journaling is about empowerment through self-awareness. It is a process by which you meet your needs for emotional and spiritual cleansing. Journaling removes the cobwebs from your thought processes by recording the ideas, feelings and emotions that are currently distracting to you.

This process is about balance. Journaling gives you access to your inner thoughts and feelings, and removes them from the cluttered storehouse of your unconscious. Then, you can clearly see where you are going from day to day, what you are thinking and what you need to focus on as your growth unfolds.

The world opens up to you when you start journaling because your unconscious receives the message that you are ready to receive information from your inner world.

Self-empowerment through self-knowledge is about entering your world of unconscious activity where you have stored past traumas, hurt feelings and any un-examined life events. When you are open to this process, you will discover much about yourself that has heretofore remained hidden.

Journaling is not a short cut to creative writing, as some would have you believe. It is simply an access point to your inner life where valuable information about who and what you are can be uncovered.

Disregard any other ideas you may have about journaling, especially those that suggest you have to write creatively and with purpose. This is not the case. Journaling is about self-revelation. You are bringing your unconscious self to conscious awareness. Only by knowing what you believe in, and then acting on that information, can you make choices for the better.

The conditioning you received in your early years is still active, even if it no longer rises to conscious awareness. That's what repeating patterns of behavior are all about. We are being driven by some part of us that believes in unquestioned and outdated ideas. Once you see these patterns, and the ideas that drive them, you can interrupt your automatic responses and make new choices.

Prepare yourself for a rough ride, at times, as your unconscious protector-controller tries to steer you away from recognizing this inner activity. This part of you has a big investment in remaining hidden and will resist your pursuit of self-honesty and increased awareness.

In the end you will acquire what you want, because your submerged self wants to come forward and enjoy the same level of freedom you desire.

The old guard, the protector-controller, will put up resistance because it is about to lose its job. Successful journaling requires you listen to all the voices within, including this one. So when that part is active, put it on the page.

Your resistance will hiss and snarl at times of change, so let it do so in your journal. You will see this happen time and time again. It's a struggle, after all, for every part of you. When you choose to make a change for the better, it upsets the old inner balance. Let the resistance have its say in your journal. Only then can you set it aside and resume your forward motion.

Once you begin this process and engage in it regularly, your journaling will become self-activating. Whenever something inside you clamors for attention, you will find yourself reaching for the journal to let it out. Whatever needs attention, put it on the page - good, bad or indifferent. Do not edit or deny what is begging for attention. You will learn that these so-called "negative" parts of you are just scared. Once those feelings are out, you will immediately calm down.

Journaling is a very powerful process of self-communication. It will activate itself time and again as you become accustomed to using it. Begin simply by recording your feelings. Let your inner self tell you what is going on inside. Ask yourself feeling questions, mainly, because we are all capable of rationalizing our thoughts and feelings rather than experiencing them.

When you ask feeling questions, listen for feeling answers and write them down. Your protector-controller will try and dissuade you from going too deep. Feeling questions help you sidetrack that resistance.

"How do I feel about . . . .?" will help you reach the center of any difficulty while bypassing the defenses to awareness of your interior life.

You will discover things about yourself that are truly amazing, secrets you've never revealed to anyone. You will uncover regrets you have had about past experiences, hopes you hold for your future and secret desires that you have never acknowledged. This is your chance to do all that adventurous excavating while clearing your emotional and feeling centre of psychological debris.

This will be a time of great learning accompanied by great frustration. It is all part of the package. Journaling brings out everything and that is always to your benefit.

Do not give up on your recording practices just because things have calmed down. Your journaling sessions will become smoother as time marches on, and you'll be better equipped, in terms of emotional and spiritual strength, to handle each and every crisis that comes your way.

Journaling takes you to the Well of Wisdom from where all answers emerge. Eventually, you will find yourself confronted with the deity that is you, your own holy soul. This encounter will reveal much about who you are and help you secure that connection with your Higher Self.

In time, you will trust that connection so completely that you will begin to access it often, especially when big decisions are at stake. At this point, you will see yourself as a co-creator with your God Source and happily utilize that guidance for every aspect of your life. That is the power of journaling. It puts you in touch with your essential self, which puts you in touch with your Source. We are part of a Divine Matrix and we are all enriched by this connection.

Let Journaling be Your Friend from this point forward.

Maurice Turmel holds a PhD in Counseling Psychology. He was a practicing therapist for nearly 25 years providing counseling and therapy to individuals, groups, organizations and families. He is the author of "The Voice - A Metaphor for Personal Development"; "Mythical Times - Exploring Life, Love & Purpose"; and "How to Cope with Grief and Loss - Support, Guidance and Direction for Your Healing Journey". He has been a guest on numerous regional television and radio talk shows and hosts his own radio shows on and on


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Set Goals Without Limits

Everybody on this planet has the ability to dream. But what exactly is a dream? The Websters Dictionary offers sixteen definitions of the word dream, but here we will only list two.

1. A succession of thoughts, images, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.

2. A vision voluntarily indulged in while awake; daydream; reverie.

Whether we remember them or not we all have dreams while we sleep. But for the most part our dreaming occurs while we are awake. What are your dreams? Do you dream of making more money at your current job or do you dream of owning the company? Do you dream of owning your own home with a white picket fence or do you dream of owning your own ocean front estate on a tropical island with your own private beach? Maybe it's your dream to become president of your country or to become a motivational speaker and help millions of other people to realize their dreams. Whatever your dreams, the only thing stopping you from achieving them are the limits that you set up in your own mind.

This may seem difficult to believe but the only person that can stop you from attaining all that you desire is YOU! All the power and ability you would ever need to make your wildest dreams come true already resides within you. Inside your head is the key to ultimate success. Your mind is a vast source of energy that can never be fully consumed. The problem is that most people never learn how to direct this energy to create the lives they desire.

Dreaming, in and of itself is not enough. You must create a dream big enough to keep your interest, turn it into a goal, and in turn transform that goal into a burning desire. Anything short of that is a waste of your time and effort.

Goal Setting:

1. You must decide what you want and must absolutely have. Remember to make your goal big enough to keep you excited about accomplishing it. Nothing is impossible unless you believe it is!

2. Determine where you are now in relation to reaching your goal.

3. Once you know where you are, you need to determine what steps are necessary to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. This will act much like a map on your journey to success.

4. Chart all this information down on paper. This step is absolutely necessary. Writing down your goal on paper is the first step to transforming your vision into its physical equivalent.

5. Review your written goal various times throughout the day. As you do this, try to imagine already having achieved your goal. Visualize yourself in possession of that which you want most, or of the person you will be in the future as if it were right now. Perform this step until your goal becomes a burning desire. Once you reach this point, doubt about your ability to succeed will fade away, and the vast source of energy which your mind contains will now back you in your effort to achieve.

Visit for life improving resources!

Make Someone's Day!

When someone compliments me, it can make my day! I bet it's that way for you, too. Think back to a time when someone gave you a genuine compliment. Can you feel those warm fuzzies? But wait. Maybe you can't remember the last time you actually received a compliment. I've found there are people all around us who seem to have forgotten how to give compliments. Then again, maybe they never knew how in the first place. Sad, isn't it.

Knowing how good a compliment makes me feel makes me eager to do the same for others. It's my goal to give a compliment to every person I meet, and in fact, I work very hard at this. I'm not telling you this to brag on myself, and I don't want you to think I'm some brown-noser who uses compliments to manipulate people into doing whatever I want. No way! Tat is not what giving a compliment is about. Compliments must be given sincerely, in a spirit of thoughtfulness and caring, from a true desire to make a positive difference in the lives of others. This doesn't come naturally, but with a little effort you can learn how. Start by observing others closely, waiting to catch them doing somethingor being someoneyou sincerely admire. Then, be willing to "expose" your observations to that person.

The best way to give a compliment is to be sure you always back it up with evidence. Here's an example: "You are so great with kids!" (Now most people would stop there, but you need to give some evidence.) "They are so well behaved whenever you are in charge. I think it's because they can tell how much you care about themand I loved the game you taught them to help them wait patiently in line. You are so creative and fun. no wonder kids love you.

You'll be amazed at the results, when you make giving compliments a part of your daily life. So go aheadmake someone's day! Oh, and by the way, the best way to receive a compliment it to simply say, "Thank You!

2003 Professional Development Systems All Rights Reserved

Robert Prentice of Professional Developments Systems has spent the last twenty years bringing inspiration and motivation to business owners as well as their employees. For more information visit his website at

Thursday, August 20, 2009

3 Areas to Focus on When Deciding What's Really Important For Your Wedding Reception

While you may have dreamed as a girl, of arriving in a horse drawn carriage (okay, that's a bit extravagant- so, a white stretch limo), butterflies or doves released at your reception, a groom's cake, or fancy little favors for your guests to carry home, now that your wedding day is here, it's time to get real about where to spend your money.

Begin by understanding clearly what's truly important about your day. You are affirming your commitment to each other and celebrating the start of your new life together (hopefully, you will only do this once in your life), and have invited those you most care about to join you in the affirmation and celebration.

Secondly, spend time together setting an intention for your celebration. I highly recommend that brides and grooms- to- be work on this together. It may be the first major project you'll work on as a team, and will create a bonding, and no doubt, educational experience for you. As a practical matter, it'll also better prepare you to deal with your various wedding vendors, saving time, possibly money, and wear and tear on everyone involved, if you are on clearly the same page from the beginning.

Here are some questions to consider as starting point. Are you casual people, or more formal? Do you want an elegant reception or a "get down and boogie" party? Are you inviting only family and friends, or are you extending it to business associates, and/or clients? Will their be guests of all ages, or mostly younger or older people? The answers to these question will help you define what your venue and catering needs are. They will also act as a guiding star, if you feel yourself getting pulled off course -and off budget- by vendors or family members.

Finally, realize that your family and friends are coming to celebrate with you. Some of them may have spent a considerable amount of time and money coming to share your day with you. Consider that while they are giving you gifts, your reception is a gift of thanks to them, as well. So while it's your day, it's only right to take into account what's important to them. Would they prefer those fancy little favors, or an open bar? Watching you pull up in a carriage or limousine, or great food? Keep this in mind when going down the list of priorities and deciding how to spend your money. In this light, maybe the doves, butterflies, fancy carriages or limousines become less important.

Gisele Perez opened small pleasures catering in Los Angeles after working in some of the finest hotels, restaurants and catering companies in New York, Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay area. For more tips and insights into the catering life visit her at:

She is also the author of the new E-book "Help! I Need a Caterer- the Ultimate Guide to Hiring the Perfect Caterer to Create a Fabulous Wedding Reception- or any Other Special Party" available for purchase at

Checking The Building For Square

Self-Esteem - Are You Morally Straight But Mentally Crooked?

You are not going to get anything that you don't really believe you deserve. It is not enough in life to live morally and ethically. You must also be mentally straight. You must have a positive self-image in order to receive the blessings of life! I am often asked the question, "Why Do The Righteous Suffer?" In other words, "Why do seemingly good people suffer?"

You can be morally and ethically straight and correct, but if you do not know how to positively relate to your emotions and the processes of your mind, you will suffer.

And this is what happened to Job in the Biblical story:

Job's children were taken away, his health was taken away, and his wealth was taken away. Why did all these things happen to Job, a righteous man?I ask you, was Job really righteous (meaning right thinking) or was he simply religious?

A Fearful Mind Draws Suffering

Job said, "The thing I greatly feared has come upon me." (Job 3:25) And that is exactly what got Job - "The thing he feared."Just like some of you, you don't know why you feel so bad. But you go around afraid of what might happen; filled with worry and anxieties, you go around with your feelings dragging in the dirt.

It Isn't Enough To Be Moral And Ethical

You must have the correct self-awareness. You must know yourself and learn how to control your thoughts and feelings. This is what I mean by 'righteous'. You must be mentally straight! You have to learn how to lift up your feelings - how to lift up your emotions. Learn to control your own thoughts and feelings and beliefs about yourself.You have to learn to go inside yourself and develop a positive self-image and positive self-esteem.

You Get What You Believe You Deserve.

It isn't enough just to be a good person. You must have a proper self-identity. You must believe that you deserve God's goodness. So "Why do good people suffer?" Because they don't believe that they deserve God's goodness. They ask for God's goodness in their prayers, but down deep, they don't believe they deserve it. If you don't believe you deserve God's goodness, what do you believe then? At the subconscious level are you believing you deserve the opposite of good? Maybe that is why you aren't getting the good you desire.

Nothing Can Come To You Unless You Draw It

Many times, things happen to good religious people and people who think they are righteous, and they don't understand why. They say, "Now why would this person do me out of this? Why do these 'things' happen to me?"If somebody is always doing you out of something, watch out. It means that somewhere in your subconscious psychology, there is some kind of negative belief. It could be the belief that you are not deserving.Nothing can come to you unless you believe you deserve it, and nothing can go from you unless you believe you don't deserve it.

You are not going to get anything that you don't really believe you deserve.

And if you do appear to get something that you really don't think you deserve - you think it's too good for you - don't worry, it will slip away. Somebody else will come along and take it off your hands.So it is very important that you think you deserve the best.

You Are A Child Of God

Your belief about yourself should be based upon your knowledge of who and what you are in God, and who and what God is in you. You deserve the best because you are a child of God.

Say This Affirmation and Believe It:

Say to yourself, "I deserve the best because I am a child of God." And when you pray, believe this. Believe you deserve all of God's goodness. Don't just say empty words. Affirm to yourself: "I deserve the best because I am a child of God. I don't deserve the best because I'm better than anybody else. I deserve the best because I am God's child and I deserve all of God's goodness."

These affirmations will help you to get 'right with yourself', and when you are right with yourself, everything else will be right with you.

Now, I want to send you my powerful life-changing FREE e-book, "Thinkonomics", that teaches you how to use your God-given mind power to get what you want out of life!

I'll also send you my free 7-lesson e-course "Visualization - How to Make It Work For You", plus as a third gift, a Powerful AUDIO Visualization Prayer Treatment that will automatically condition your mind for health, happiness and abundance. Request all three free gifts now (with no strings attached), at

Dr. Frederick Eikerenkoetter is better known as REVEREND IKE, "The Success and Prosperity Preacher." Using practical Mind Science techniques, he has taught millions of people to be masters of their own mind and their circumstances by changing their self-image, thoughts and attitudes.

Abraham Lincoln

Another Point of View on 2012

Dovid Krafchow author of Kabbalistic Tarot explains the meaning behind the Mayan calendar according to Jewish knowledge and scientific investigation.

If you're really seeking the kingdom of heaven, the glory of God and the true vision that Jesus had, check out some great Christian articles . These articles are designed to teach and educate Christians.

Four Agreements
How Do I Know What The Universe

Tips From a Life Coach - Can't See a Way Out of the Chaos of Your Life?

There are some jobs, and some times of the year, when there really is no way out.

  • Tax Time - for Accountants
  • Year End - for Sales Professionals and corporate executives
  • February 28 - for Canadian RRSP investment financial advisors
  • A Life Crisis - which occurs unexpectedly

What is your time of year when there is nothing to do but plow through it and hope to make it out the other end with your sanity, health and family intact?

You don't want to live this way, but there is no spare time in the middle of this to stop and make a change. You wonder how you'll ever make it through, and whether there is a way to make it easier next time - because there will always be a next time.

If you are reading this and identifying with it, then you don't have the time or the energy to read a lot of words. I understand this.

As a Life Coach, my desire is to help you get through this time, so that once through it you can regroup and remake your life. Here are a couple of suggestions for you to do right now. Take 30 minutes -- it will make a huge difference.

1. Make yourself something visual to remind you of why this will all be worthwhile in the end. Suggestion:

  • Print or cut out your favorite relaxing picture and display it somewhere where you will see it at least 3 times a day. The ocean, a beach, a forest -- whatever picture gives you peace.
  • At the top of this picture, print the date when this chaotic time will be over. E.g. April 30, December 31, February 28, or an estimated date. It is important to use a date, as it gives you a time to which you can look forward when life becomes just too much to bear.
  • Somewhere else on the picture, list 3 or 4 things you will have successfully accomplished by that date. E.g. "My clients are happy", "My staff is proud of the work they have done to get us to this date".
  • Also on the picture, list an affirmation of yourself and the accomplishment you will have achieved by this date. E.g. "I am a SuperWoman/SuperMan who has earned the right to take time for myself" (You are affirming the mammoth effort and commitment it will have taken to get through this challenge, and you are also giving yourself a reward at the end -- a reward to now take care of yourself.)
  • Put the picture somewhere where you will see it at least 3 times each day. Let it relax you and give you hope.

2. During times of chaos, your mind will wander to how you wish life was. "If only I could take that exotic vacation." "If only I could remodel my family room." "Oh, I wish I was..." Don't let those thoughts be depressing and unattainable. When your mind is thinking these things, capture them. Suggestion:

  • Keep a notebook with you.
  • Jot down your dreams and desires as they come to mind. These might be anything from "having the life that you want" (be specific), to "changing a behavior that a self-help book has prompted you to want".

This is a good way to make a list of your dreams and desires. When you reach that date you've put onto your visual, and the current chaos subsides -- and it will -- you'll be ready to look at your list and to prioritize your dreams and wishes. Writing down your dreams and desires helps to clear your mind. You no longer have to work your already tired brain to keep reminding yourself. This also makes it a lot easier to prioritize the ones you want the most, and the soonest.

Now remember the promise you made to yourself. When you reach your goal date, and you come out from the stress and chaos of that time -- keep your promise. Take your visual and your notebook to your Life Coach, and begin the journey to achieve your dreams and change your life.

Once you've tried the suggestions above, I'd love to hear from you, and about your experiences with these two simple steps.

Heather Percy, President, Percy Emtage & Associates, is a visionary and results driven leader with an extensive background in marketing and operations within global companies over the past 20 years. She facilitates the development of strategic and business plans, implements mechanisms to improve business processes and internal communications, and grooms managers, supervisors, and leaders for their new and diverse roles.

With her strong analytical skills and a reputation for integrity, she brings a clear focus on leadership development and cost efficiencies to the organizations with which she is involved. Working with management and staff at all levels of an organization -- individually and in groups -- Ms. Percy effectively coaches, mentors and develops leadership talent.

Developing PEAK performance through effective Business Coaching

Web: Contact:

Can One Book Change Your Life

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Seven Ways to Say I Love You

Have you said, "I love you" hundreds to thousands of times only to find it being less effective than your intention? If that is the case, you may not be surprised to know that there are many more ways to say I love you than verbally expressing it. In fact, there are seven ways to communicate it and three ways your partner can perceive it.

To make it even more interesting, people perceive things either through, visual, auditory or kinesthetic means. Multiply 3 x 7, = 21 different ways to say I love you. That makes a total of 21 ways to say I love you to someone. WOW, that sounds rather complicated don't you think.

Love may be a very splendored thing but it is also a very confusing thing. Let's try to make some sense of it for you. Of the articles I have read on ways to say I love you I have notice they share many ways to do it. Sort of the shotgun approach to love but not very focused for those of you who want to be effective in your efforts to love someone.

Gary Chapman wrote in his bestseller, The Five Love Languages, if you are not speaking the language of your lover, you are not able to get the message of love through clearly to them. He named the languages as follows:

Words of Affirmation
Quality Time
Receiving Gifts
Acts of Service
Physical Touch

So, there are five ways so far and in my experience we can add two more:

Unconditional Acceptance
Showering Security

Seven ways to say I love you and again, if you are not saying it the way your partner perceives it, it is like you are not saying it at all. Is it any wonder that there is so much confusion about love and that people search and search for it but never find it.

Part of the problem is that you most likely do not even know which way you need to be loved. It takes some introspection to determine your own love preference. Learning to love yourself is one of the most important elements in being able to love another and you are the first one you need to love. Loving yourself is just as complicated as loving another because you have to know exactly how you need to be loved.

Once you have mastered the art of communicating love, you will be able to recognize in an instant the way anyone you meet needs to be loved. You might want to rekindle the love you have with a partner or be seeking a new love altogether. All your relationships will benefit from your newfound skills.

How you acquire these skills is through study and practice. It is quite unreasonable to expect to know how to love yourself or someone else without a good grounding in proper experience.

About The Author: Glenn M. Smith is the author of Lotus Petal, A Parable to Help You to Overcome The Fear of Death. His site provides resources to help overwhelmed highly sensitive people not only survive but thrive in this world. His site at is being built to provide information to people who wish to create more love in their lives.

Walpola Rahula

Anxiety Help - Power Of Affirmations

My Favorite Anxiety Ending Affirmation:

I am so happy and grateful now that I am living an anxiety and panic free life and am radiating with confidence!

How to Use Power Affirmations

Anxiety Help

What is the most effective way to use Power Affirmations? Here are a few suggestions.

Pick one or two affirmations and begin using them immediately. Do not wait until you create the perfect affirmations for your specific situation before you start using them. The future is now. Procrastination is the killer of success. Immediate action creates momentum. Repetition of positive thought sustains it. Do not base your choice by whether or not you already believe the affirmation or if the belief seems possible to you at this time. Repeating the power affirmations with emotional intensity and a feeling of certainty will eventually install the beliefs in your subconscious mind. At the very least, pick a generic affirmation like Every day in every way I am getting better and better. Then you can always choose or create other power affirmations later after you set specific goals. Resolve right now to start using affirmations within the next 60 minutes.

Write the power affirmation at least 10-20 times per day. For best results, write it down 10-20 times as soon as you arise and 10-20 times before you go to bed. This allows you to set your direction before the day starts and plant the seed in your subconscious mind before you go to sleep. If you do this consistently, you will naturally find this thought re-occurring in your mind several times per day. You will begin to notice the power affirmations shaping your other thoughts through the course of the day. As the power affirmations create more and more similar thoughts, you will create a direction and build momentum towards the desired results.

After you write the affirmation 10-20 times, repeat it aloud in front of a mirror 5-10 times. Anxiety Help is a process so repeating the affirmations aloud further installs the beliefs into your subconscious mind. It is very important to repeatedly both write and audibly state your affirmations for maximum effectiveness.

As you write and audibly repeat them, feel the emotional power of the affirmations in your body. Visualize yourself as having already created this result in your life. Feel the way you would feel if you already had this result in your life. Hear the things you will hear when this affirmation becomes an everyday reality. Breathe the way you would breathe if this affirmation were already true. Move your body as if this were already a conditioned belief.

Now let your positive thoughts of power and certainty guide your actions. Live consciously. Take complete control of your own mind rather than passively allowing the influences in the media control it for you.

Does this type of conditioning take time and effort? Absolute , on a daily basis. There is no something for nothing. This is where most people fail. They do not follow through with these steps every day for a long period of time. They get inspired for a few days after hearing a motivational speaker or after reading a book. Then, after the motivational high wears off, they fall back into their old habits. Or they get so busy that this is an easy item to ignore.

Event training through short seminars, is necessary and great. But Process Training, training that guides your every day habits, is the real key to sustained results. Process Training is achieved through sustained exposure to the learning material over a prolonged period of time. And it requires constant review and correction until the skill is installed as a subconscious habit (like how you learn to drive a car). Most people who think they can get all the information they need by attending a couple of seminars or listening to a best selling program one time will usually be disappointed. The information just goes by too fast to allow it to really soak in.

Why do you think we see the same commercials over and over again? Or hear the same slogan? It is because that advertisers know if they can get our attention for 30 seconds (or less), to watch the same commercial multiple times over a period of days, weeks, months, years, they know they can sell us billions of dollars of merchandise. Is it not time that you used the exact same technique to condition your mind on purpose? Take control of your mind and get anxiety help.

So, listening to motivational speakers on audio tape on a regular basis. Daily is one effective way to add process training to your life, however, many of the thoughts they communicate race by without having a chance to take root in either your conscious or subconscious mind. And there is often a lot of fluff just to get to the main points that will really change your life. It is much more difficult to take advantage of the power of repetition which is crucial to create long term results.

The Power of Power Affirmations

  1. My Power Affirmations work whether I believe in them or not.
  2. I create new Power Affirmations for myself everyday.
  3. I repeat my Power Affirmations everyday with emotional intensity, certainty, and faith.
  4. My Power Affirmations allow me to consistently tap into the unlimited power of my subconscious mind.
  5. My Power Affirmations are now creating thought habits that will to guide me to my desired objectives easily and effortlessly.
  6. The more I repeat my Power Affirmations with a feeling of certainty, the more accessible these power beliefs are to me when I need them.
  7. I know that the repetition of affirmations is the easiest and primary method of voluntarily creating the emotion of faith. So I feed my subconscious mind thoughts of faith by repeating my power affirmations every day with emotion and physical energy.
  8. My thoughts are creative. My Power Affirmations are now creating the reality I desire.
  9. My Power Affirmations positively influence my subconscious mind while I sleep.
  10. My imagination now creates whatever I believe and conceive.
  11. I now have all the resources I need to achieve my goals easily and effortlessly.
  12. Every day in every way I am getting better and better.
  13. I set definite goals and create new Power Affirmations to achieve them quickly and easily.
  14. Today I am using 100 percent of my minds capacity.
  15. I now have easy access to the information in my subconscious.
  16. All subconscious information is being revealed to me now.
  17. What I imagine I can do I can do.
  18. I receive wisdom and knowledge from God every moment of my life.
  19. I am now making amazing progress towards all of my goals.
  20. My subconscious mind is now revealing everything I need to know to create and fulfill my mission and purpose in life.
  21. I am consciously aware of my beliefs. I only hold onto beliefs that support me.
  22. I now see and feel my goals as already accomplished.
  23. Using my Power Affirmations, I expand the powers of my subconscious mind everyday.
  24. Whatever I conceive and believe I can achieve.
  25. I create my own luck everyday.
  26. I achieve my goals with joy and laughter.
  27. I visualize what I want to be and act as if I am already what I visualize.
  28. Through consistently repeating my Power Affirmations, I can now create any reality that I desire and get anxiety help.
  29. My Power Affirmations are the expression of my beliefs and convictions. The stronger my convictions, the more powerful their effect on my subconscious mind to bring about the results I desire.
  30. My Power Affirmations are now creating habitual thought patterns of success, positive thinking, and positive living.
Comment on this blog to let me know how your affirmations produced anxiety help in your life. These affirmations are the corner stone to many anxiety sufferers recovery.

Learn how others are receiving "Anxiety Help" learn more about me and visit our blog at

Creating A Habit

Your Law of Attraction Toolbox - Affirmations and Dream Cards

There are many great ways to incorporate the Law of Attraction into your life. Here are two powerful, time tested tools that will enable you to utilize this universal principle to its fullest. Each of these self growth tools is a proven success blaster that works on several levels to help you make meaningful and lasting changes in your life.

Affirmations -- A strong affirmation is the single most powerful manifesting tool that you can use to help create change in your life. Affirmations are simply statements about the life that you desire or the person that you want to become. You write them out and then read them aloud two or three times a day, especially first thing in the morning. When you read your affirmations aloud to yourself you are literally "affirming" to yourself exactly what you wish to become, exactly what you wish to manifest into your life.

Good affirmations are always related to your current goals and are always written in the present tense, as if you already possess the thing you desire. Always begin your affirmations with the words, "I am..." or "I enjoy...", or for an even more powerful statement try, "I am grateful that...", and then follow that with your goal or dream. The trick with affirmations is to turn your wants into your haves.

Here are some examples: Let's say that you want to lose weight. The wrong way to word your affirmation is to simply say, "I want to lose weight." A more powerful statement would be, "I enjoy good health and vibrant energy by making healthy eating choices."

Another common goal that many of us share is increased abundance, primarily in the financial area of life. Again, the wrong way to word your affirmation would be to say something like, "I want to be rich." Instead, you need to frame your desires as if you have already attained it. "I am grateful for the abundance that flows into my life. I am proud of the savings and investment habits I have developed that have allowed me to amass a net worth of one million dollars."

Get the idea? Great. Once you have created a set of affirmations that reflect your dreams you need to put them somewhere where you will be sure to see them and read them every morning when you get up and again every evening before you go to bed. Put them on the nightstand near your bed, or tape them to the bathroom mirror.

Affirmations are an amazing way to program yourself for success and will help you move onto the path toward your dreams.

Your Dream Card -- A dream card is nothing more than an index card or piece of paper on which you have written your top three or four goals and dreams, and that you carry with you and read many times during the course of the day. Your dream card is similar to your affirmations but differs in several fundamental ways.

Just like affirmations, you write your dream card in the present tense, as if you already possess whatever it is that you are trying to manifest in your life. Affirmations, however, tend to focus on traits and abilities that you seek to develop in yourself, while your dream card is the place to put the dreams and goals that you are seeking to manifest in your life.

Your dream card is the place to put that new car you want, or that better job, or even that special relationship that you desire in your life. Remember, even though these are things that you 'want', you shouldn't use the word 'want' at all on your dream card. You have to create positive statements that reflect you already in possession of your dream. State your dreams boldly and positively. Combine several goals into one powerful statement that reflects the achievement of each of them.

Try something like, "I love driving my brand new, metallic grey, Lincoln Continental to my new position as Vice President of Marketing for one of the top firms in my state." Change it around to include your specific dreams. Be sure to include at least three or four of your top dreams on your dream card.

Here is the most important part, the one aspect of the dream card that helps you actually manifest your desires. You have to carry your dream card with you at all times, and you have to pull it out and read it as often as you can. Every day. No exceptions. Every day. Even after you have memorized what is written on your card you still need to physically pull it out of your pocket or purse and read it to yourself. Do this at least a dozen times a day.

Every time you read your dream card to yourself you are telling your subconscious mind what is important to you. Your subconscious mind can be your greatest ally in your growth, and can find connections and opportunities to achieve your dreams that your conscious mind might miss.

Affirmations and dreams cards both work by helping you focus and train your subconscious mind on those things that you want to bring into your life. The law of attraction tells us that we can only attract to us those things that we focus on the most, but the main reason that many people struggle to achieve their dreams is that they only focus on their dreams occasionally.

If you are serious about creating change in your life you should be using both of these proven tools each day. When you do, you will dramatically increase your manifesting ability and begin to see amazing results in your life.

If you would like to learn more about the law of attraction and how you can begin to manifest your dreams into reality I invite you to grab your free copy of the ultimate manifesting ebook right now at Click right now and you can start creating the life of your dreams today!

Bathroom Remodeling Costs

How and Why Do Positive Affirmations Work?

We all possess a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. We're mostly aware of our conscious mind because we talk to it everyday whether it be in the form of positive affirmations or of negative thoughts. Conversely, it talks to us as well. These are not actually two different minds. Instead, they are two spheres actively working within one single mind. Your conscious mind is the reasoning mind. It is the phase of mind which makes choices.

All decisions that you make throughout your day are done through the conscious mind. What you eat, what you wear, even reading this article is a conscious choice. Yet, on the other hand, all of your bodily functions, your breathing, digestion, circulation, and heartbeat are all maintained automatically by the subconscious mind...totally independent of your conscious 'control'.

The subconscious mind accepts whatever it is that is impressed upon it or whatever it is that you consciously believe. It does not reason things out like your conscious mind does, nor does it doubt or argue with your decisions. It merely follows orders. If you were to consciously assume something to be true, even though it is false, your subconscious mind, without doubt, without question, will accept it as true and will proceed in bringing about the requested results.

Your subconscious mind is like the soil that accepts any type of seed, good or bad. Whichever type of seed you plant, the subconscious mind will work earnestly to bring forth the fruit of your desire. Hence, the power of positive affirmations. Should you doubt for even a moment that this is not true, then look closely at what type of 'seeds' you plant on a daily basis and you will find that your life is in direct proportion to what you have been planting for quite some time now.

This is why it is of great importance to become aware of the type of thoughts that you send to your subconscious mind, for it will surely bring about whatever it is that you believe.

The easiest way to bring about positive changes into your life is through the repetition of positive affirmations. These affirmations, done several times daily, especially when you find yourself in a negative, or chaotic moment, will help reprogram your thinking from a negative, doubtful and fearful frame of mind, into a complete powerhouse of positive and unlimited potential. Doing so, you will help rid yourself of such things as bad habits, overcoming doubt, fear and assist you in reaching your goals.

This can all be accomplished with the handy aid of written index cards, a journal, recorded messages, subliminal messages, verbal statements, or even statements repeated to yourself as you are falling asleep at night. With a combination of making your positive affirmations as short as possible, using words in the present tense such as 'I will', 'I can', and by also using very easy to understand language, will serve as a major factor in making it much easier to repeat your affirmations in longer sequences. By doing so, you are also more apt to repeat them more often throughout the day. Repetition of course, being the major key.

For better results, don't repeat the affirmations and then moments later find yourself repeating negative thoughts. Doing so will only be counterproductive and you'll only end up right back to where you started.

You can avoid this dilemma by being a bit more aware of your thoughts and instantly replacing the negative with the positive. What may at first appear to be entirely impossible, can be done and you can do it. In fact, the more you practice the observation of yourself, the easier and more productive you will become.

To help increase both the speed and quality of your affirmations, you can, at least once a day, (or as often as you'd like) take several minutes a day and in a quiet place, close your eyes and visualize you having in your possession what it is you are desiring. Believe it, be thankful and most importantly, feel it with every bit of emotion that you can bring about with all of your might.

By maintaining and believing in the above suggestions on a consistent basis, your subconscious mind will faithfully be bringing about all of your heart's desires. Even after your first experience of manifesting your thoughts, you may find yourself thinking that this all came about as a fluke, a 'coincidence'. But then, what is 'coincidence' other than an event to 'c-o-i-n-c-i-d-e' with your wishes?

Perhaps after your second revelation, you will then begin to realize and accept even more so the truth that there is indeed, a very magical and awesome power hidden within. By having harnessed this unlimited power with positive thoughts and beliefs, you will know, without doubt, that you are capable of creating a reality and destination for yourself that will be far beyond your most wildest dreams!

Want To Learn More About How You Can Easily Increase Your Positive Affirmations And Become More Effective In Obtaining Your Goals and Ambitions?

Visualization And Affirmations

Spiritual Cleanse For The Heart, Mind, and Soul

Often times when we don't feel well, we cleanse the body for physical health to prevent surgery, feel good, look younger, and live longer. What about our spiritual health? Did you know that if we cleanse the mind of unwanted toxins our physical health would also improve?

Spiritual cleansing is excellent therapy for negative and destructive emotions, depression, sadness, drug and alcohol addiction, and all other addictions that have to do with the mind and attitude.

Rejuvenate the mind everyday with the positive affirmations of prayer. How can prayer help? The influence of prayer actually gives us the hope, faith, and encouragement that our negative feelings have taken from our heart and mind.

Every day we are literally plagued with negative garbage, listening to and looking at it, to behaving in destructive ways that upset the equilibrium of our minds.

Have you ever thought that maybe it is all the harmful garbage in the world that brings on depression, addiction, and bad feelings? If we are under control of addiction or depression how can we ever recognize the spiritual person within us? I know first hand that addiction keeps us far from God. So then how do we not know that all we need is a spiritual cleanse to free us from the grips of what is controlling us?

In other words, is it really a chemical imbalance in the brain, like doctors want us to believe that makes some people depressed or addicted to a substance? And if it is a chemical imbalance, could it have something to do with lifestyle/environment -- whether it's through what a person eats and drinks or other contaminates that are entering their system?

CEO's and business owners use affirmations in their corporations to keep the salesmen positive and optimistic. It is a well-known fact that positive minds sell more products. So then why couldn't a positive mind learn to forgive and love completely too?

Every day prayer not only lets God know that we are genuinely seeking his spiritual counsel but also makes us feel better about who we are, even when we are battling with an addiction or just plain old negative feelings.

Applying prayer into our life is the first step to overcoming the negative aspects of our character and supercharging the positive aspects within us.

The first thing we need to do is to humble our selves to prayer. We need to remember that we are praying for a reason, a purpose, not necessarily to get what we want but to get closer to God and become more spiritually aware. How should we pray?

We can pray anytime of the day and anywhere. We do not have to be in Church and we do not have to let others hear our personal prayers to God. We are in control of how, when and what we pray. Prayer begins in the mind and ends in the heart. We can pray silently and God hears us.

Prayer involves humbleness and humility. It entails that we trust that God is listening to us as we pray and that our prayers we'll get answered. Prayers may not get answered in the way you want. Many times prayers are answered in the way that God knows is best for you, not what you think is best for you. Prayer involves talking to God through our prayers, bible study, and recognizing God as your source.

I have put together a one month spiritual cleanse that will help bring you closer to God, your loved ones, and your self using the power of affirmations, and prayer for a more positive and spiritual way of thinking for your life.

Week one:

Focus on love. Loving God, being more loving to others, giving of ones self, loving neighbor and self. Be Love!


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Affirmation prayer:

God help me to be more loving, humble, forgiving, giving, kind and patient with others and myself. I will strive to Love God with all of my heart, mind and soul.
God is love, and love is God!


To love God FIRST, over others and myself. To realize that loving God above other things in my life frees me to love others with more of who I am and can become.

Week two:

Focus on wisdom, knowledge, truth and understanding from God. Do NOT seek out wisdom, knowledge, truth, or understanding from culture or society, or from anyone in the world. The bible should be your only source for all understanding and truth.


Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by his deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such wisdom does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy, and good fruit... James 3:1317

Affirmation prayer:

God help me to NOT find fault with others, or to be argumentative or judgmental with my spouse, friends, and associates. I will seek your wisdom daily. I will look up the "True" purpose of my situation in the concordance/dictionary of my bible, and allow your wisdom to give me the understanding I need to handle the situation with your divine truth.


To gain the understanding that God is your "ONLY" source for everything under the sun for your life.

Week three:

Focus on Spiritual self by thinking positive and doing constructive things. Take walks outdoors among nature. Try yoga, meditation, or other relaxation techniques to relieve your mind of stress and worry. Take up Pilates or other non-strenuous exercise to help relieve tension and stress. Doing these things will reflect back onto your spiritual consciousness.

We need to keep our minds free of clutter and junk. It is an attitude thing. What we allow into our heart and mind reflects back out in our actions.

Prayer: be made NEW in the attitude of your minds, and to put on the New self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 4:23

Affirmation prayer:

God give me the encouragement and strength I need to exist with a renewed attitude of love, giving and forgiving. Help me to put on the new aspects of my personality that I have been hiding within the depths of my soul. Help me to see the good in people even though they are different from me.


To recognize the potential within me and to be a new creative, positive person in Jesus Christ, displaying my full potential in everything that I do. To be renewed in mind and spirit. To not focus on my negative feelings of others but to focus more on the positive attributes of my self so I can be more loving and kind to others.

Week four:

Focus on applying God's counsel, love, and wisdom on a daily basis through continual prayer and bible study. Learn to make God a priority in life. Make God a habit! Change of heart, change of attitude.


To the man who pleases him, god gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness. Ecclesiastes. 2:26

Affirmation prayer:

God help me to apply your spiritual counsel and wisdom into my daily life to bring me purpose in all that do. Help me to make your wisdom a part of my life in everything that I do.


To be free from negative and destructive junk, to be the whole and complete spiritual person that I was meant to be. To live life in peace and in harmony with all outside influences.

Forgive someone today.

Angie Lewis offers spiritual enlightenment tips for couples in marriage, and is the author of new release book JOURNEY ON THE ROADS LESS TRAVELED. This unique book is about love, life, marriage, addiction, temptation, and understanding the power of spiritual awareness for your marriage. In her book, Angie reveals her own journey of overcoming addiction and battling with her negative emotions that she allowed to embrace her life and marriage. ISBN 1413788904 Avaliable Amazon online!

Angie Lewis counsels couples and writes a monthly newsletter where she reveals her secrets on how YOU can stay happily married for life!

Subscribe to get your FREE monthly newsletter so you can stay happily and forever married!

Norman Doidge

Get Mental - The Psychology of Strength

True strength comes from within.

Weve all heard similar sayings. Most successful athletes know that their mentality plays a strong role in their performance. Many recreational athletes and trainees also realize on some level that their thoughts and moods affect their workouts. But very few actually dedicate sufficient time to their Mental Conditioning (to train their brain). The fact is that the mind (especially the subconscious mind) actually has INCREDIBLE power that many dont acknowledge. Our mind has the ability to make us stronger, more muscular, more athletic, more powerful, even wealthier and happier! Sound unbelievable? As this article will explain, your inner world creates your outer world.

The intention of this article is to share some of the basics of exercise and sport psychology and to illustrate the importance of our thoughts and emotions relative to our physical goals. I will also describe some simple techniques that you can use regularly to improve you performance. This information is directed to those readers who are already participating in a regular bodybuilding or strength training program and are motivated to achieve greater results.

The truth is that its our mind that determines what results we will achieve. The process goes something like this: Your thoughts and beliefs lead to your emotions, which in turn lead to your actions, which cause your results. Unfortunately, most of us put up our own psychological barriers that interfere with our performance and limit our success. The four-minute mile was a famous example of a psychological barrier. For years runners were apparently not able to run a mile in under four minutes, although many came close. That led to the common belief that this was physically impossible. Incredibly, within a year and a half after Roger Bannisters famous breakthrough, 16 other athletes accomplished it! It wasnt because these athletes were suddenly training harder. They were no longer limited by their beliefs once Bannister had demonstrated what was possible.

What Im saying is that with a bit of mental conditioning you can expect far superior results from your training, and in many cases its all thats holding you back.

The four basic principles of mental conditioning are as follows:

1.Set SMARTER Goals.

2.Create a strong, clear mental picture of these goals using Visualization and Imagery training.

3.Reinforce these ideas often using Affirmations.

4.Maintain a positive focus on your objectives and employ interventions such as negative thought-stopping techniques.

The field of exercise and sport psychology is significantly more involved than this, but these principles provide a great starting point for developing a mental training program.

Setting SMARTER Goals

Studies have shown that appropriate goal setting leads to performance enhancement, with moderate to strong effects. To remember the key principles of effective goal setting, think SMARTER; your goals should be:

Specific Indicate precisely what is to be done. Avoid vague alternatives
Measurable You should be able to quantify your goal
Action-Oriented develop concrete plan of actions required to move toward your goals
Realistic start with moderately difficult goals, rather than too easy or difficult to reach
Time-Constrained Set specific time limits for both short term and long term goals
Evaluated Record and monitor your progress regularly
Reversible In cases of injury, or failure to achieve a difficult goal, reset goals as needed

Take some time right now to write down your short term goals as well as your long term dream goals (the ones that may seem a long way off and harder to achieve). Writing your goals down is the basis of a contract with yourself. It also helps to publicly acknowledge your goals.

Short-term or daily goals are the most important because they provide a focus for our training in each and every session. Past research on elite athletes found that setting daily training goals was one factor that distinguished the successful performers from the less successful.

Many have also found it useful to write a Mission Statement for themselves, which summarizes their basic goals and primary objectives in their life.

Relaxation and Visualization

Scientific research has shown the use of Visualization (or Imagery) to be an important adjunct to physical training. This is why world-class, elite level athletes and coaches use imagery techniques regularly. In fact, past studies have demonstrated that athletes using visualization dramatically improved their performance by comparison with those who didnt.

With clear and vivid visualization training, certain parts of our brain can be stimulated to illicit small neuromuscular signals and specific hormonal changes that can lead to real physical changes in your body and your performance. In addition, we can reprogram our subconscious mind to develop stronger neural connections that will reinforce those positive thoughts and beliefs that empower us to achieve our goals.
For visualization / imagery training to be most effective you need to be in a relaxed state with as few distractions as possible. The following simple Progressive Relaxation exercise will help achieve this.

Progressive Relaxation:

1. Choose a quiet, relaxing place where you won't be interrupted.

2. Before you start, do a few gentle stretching exercises to relieve muscular tension.

3. Make yourself comfortable, either sitting or lying down. Close your eyes.

4. Start to breathe slowly and deeply, in a calm and effortless way.

5. Gently tense, and then relax, each part of your body, starting with your feet and working your way up to your face and head.

6. As you focus on each area, count backwards from 10 to 1, relaxing more deeply with each number. Think of warmth, heaviness and relaxation.

7. Push distracting thoughts to the back of your mind; imagine them floating away with each breath.

8. Don't try to relax; simply let go of the tension in your muscles & let them become relaxed on their own.

9. Let your mind go empty. Some people find it helpful to visualize a calm, peaceful place such as a garden or meadow.

10. Stay like this for about 15 to 20 minutes, and do your visualizations (see below). Then take some deep breaths and open your eyes, but stay sitting or lying for a few moments before you get up.

While you are in this relaxed state it is a perfect time to practice visualization training for a few minutes. This is an important part of your mental conditioning program. The key points to remember when practicing your creative visualization are as follows:

1. Your imagery should be as vivid and clear as possible.

2. Always visualize positive and controllable scenarios.

3. Try to imagine in real time: the visualization of an experience should last as long as the actual event (i.e.: 1 minute). Often we imagine events more quickly than we actually experience them. Model your imagery in real time.

4. Visualize both the process of achieving your goal, as well as the positive outcome.

Here are a few simple suggestions of visualizations you can do, to get you started:

See yourself getting up in the morning and being really excited about your goals. See yourself so excited you can't stay in bed any longer.

Mentally rehearse your training drills, picturing perfect performance in real time.

Imagine in vivid detail how much faster, stronger, more muscular, more powerful, more athletic you are becoming and how smoothly your body responds.

Visualize how successful you will be in competition or training.

Visualize your self as a warrior, with unlimited energy. See yourself as unbeatable.

Imagine that you have already achieved these goals you have. How does it feel? What do you see? What would you be hearing? Picture every detail as if its real.
Strength Affirmations & Negative Thought Stopping

The next step is to learn to actively stop any negative thoughts that arise and replace them with a positive affirmation. Affirmations are positive statements used to reinforce that which you want to achieve.

All of us have negative thoughts of some kind that creep into our minds and interfere with our goals, such as Im a hardgainer. I cant put on muscle; Ive tried before and failed, or That guy always beats me! Several methods exist to interrupt our worrisome or negative thought patterns before they spiral out of control. These methods can include visual, physical, or verbal stimulus. One of my favorite techniques, which I have applied with several of my clients, is the Rubber Band Method. This simply involves wearing an ordinary thick rubber band around your wrist and upon noticing a negative thought enter your mind, snap the band on your arm and say the word Stop!

In order to reprogram your subconscious mind, once you have interrupted the distracting or disturbing thought process you must then replace it with a verbal affirmation. Here are the key principles as well as some examples to consider when creating your own affirmations:

1. Be personal - (Use I, me, my, or your first name)- I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INTENSITY OF MY PERFORMANCE.

2. Be positive (do not focus on what you dont want)- "I CONSISTENTLY STRIVE TO COMPETE AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF MY POTENTIAL!"

3. Use the present tense and phrase the affirmation as if the goal was already accomplished- "I NOW HAVE A HEALTHY DIET THAT GIVES ME ALL THE STRENGTH AND ENERGY I REQUIRE.."


5. Do not compare yourself with anyone -"I AM IN IDEAL PHYSICAL AND MENTAL CONDITION!" Avoid: "I am in better shape than Herman!"

6. Use action words, and keep it short, simple and powerful - "I TAKE CHARGE OF MY THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS WHENEVER I TRAIN OR COMPETE."


8. Personalize it and use feeling words (involve emotion) - "I LOVE THE FEELING I GET FROM COMPETING AT MY BEST!"

Some other examples of effective affirmations that you can use are listed below:

I respect, admire and model very successful elite athletes in my sport / activity!

I enjoy training intensely and my body recovers easily and quickly.

When I train, I train hard. When I rest, I relax deeply.

I create my reality and I create the exact amount of my success.

I am an excellent athlete! I have unlimited performance potential!

I am getting bigger and stronger every day.

I am grateful for all of my athletic successes so far.

I am grateful for my health, my strength, my speed, my power, and my abilities!

Try to make a list of your own personalized affirmations and read them aloud first thing in the morning and before sleeping in the evening, or at anytime you wish during the day. Create a feeling of belief in your affirmation statements; dont listen to your doubts. The more frequently you use them the more effective they will be. Psychologists estimate that it takes about a month to overwrite our old negative programming and establish a new positive pattern in your brain. Stick with it.

Your Daily Mental Conditioning Routine

To help you implement these techniques on a regular basis, I have organized them into a simple daily regimen that you can follow. Obviously you will include your regular activities as needed.

AM Hour of Power: Make an effort to get out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off. Also try to get as much natural sunlight as soon as you can each day; open the curtains and look outside. This will help to stimulate your RAS (Reticular Activating System) which will increase wakefulness. Take some deep breaths, choose one affirmation to say out loud, and visualize a positive outcome for the day to come. Rinse with cool water after your shower.

Positive Environment: During your day, try to avoid interacting or associating with negative, non-supportive people. Those who put you down, complain often or who view themselves as victims could hold you back from your success.

Rubber Band Method: If you feel a negative, non-supportive thought arising during the day, snap the elastic band on your wrist, and say Stop! Immediately after, rub your wrist gently and repeat an opposite, supportive affirmation to yourself.

Record Your Successes: At the end of each day, in the evening, write down 5 successes in your journal, regardless of how big or small they are. This could be anything from hitting a new P.R. or winning a contest, to something like brushing your teeth in the morning.

Visualizations and Affirmations: Repeat your list of affirmations out loud, then take some time to relax and visualize yourself having already achieved your goals and think of how great that makes you feel. Review your Mission Statement and your goals each day as well.


Achievements are based not solely on talent and hard physical conditioning, but on mental strength and a clear vision of where you want to go. You need to decide what you want, know why you want it, and develop a strong desire to achieve it.

Once you have done this, to change your results you must overwrite old negative programming and install positive new programming into your subconscious. This is accomplished through techniques such as effective goal setting, positive self-talk (affirmations), and mental imagery (visualization). As you progress you will increase your belief that you will succeed. Because your beliefs shape your reality, you will be surprised at how quickly you achieve results that you thought impossible a few short months ago.

If you have any questions or comments I am interested in hearing from you.

-Josh Hewett

All we are is the result of what we have thought. -Buddha

Josh Hewett is a personal trainer and strength & conditioning specialist with Top Form Fitness. He also coaches and competes with Team Barbarian Strength Athletics. Josh holds a degree in Kinesiology from the University of Western Ontario, as well as personal training qualifications from several agencies including CanFitPro. He is a qualified personal training specialist and competitive strength athlete with over 14 years of involvement in the health and fitness industry including employment, academic, competitive, and volunteer experience. Whether your goal is to improve your health and fitness, excel at your sport or hobby, or to recover from an injury, Josh is prepared to motivate and guide you toward reaching your objective. Feel free to contact him at or view his training site at

Caroline Myss

Isn't It About Time Affirmations Were Fun and Got Results?

"I am wealthy," "I am healthy," "I am cheerful," "I am a money magnet," "I have faith and confidence in my future." How many times can you tell yourself these things without going unconscious? Especially when your inner self is asking, "Where are our results?" and all you can reply is "Let's say more affirmations." This is the old, "If something isn't working, let's do more of it," which is a sure-fire formula for being frustrated, discouraged, and feeling you've been let down.

Does self-suggestion work? I'm convinced it does.

Grazya Fosar and Franz Bludorf, in their book Vernetzte Intelligenz, point out that Russian scientists (whom they name) have discovered that the alkalines of our DNA (the genetic code, especially in the apparently useless 90%), follows regular grammar and has set rules just like our languages. "So human languages did not appear coincidentally, but are a reflection of our inherent DNA."

In other words, as they point out, human DNA is a biological internet and certain frequency patterns influence DNA information waves and thus the genetic message encoded in DNA itself!

DNA information patterns were captured by Russian scientists and the cells reprogrammed (which, I might add, we have the power to do up to a point by altering our self-talk from negative to more optimistic and upbeat). There are many other techniques we may employ to also transmit new information patterns and frequencies to our DNA such as meditation, hypnosis, prayer, Emotional Freedom Techniques, and so many other self growth techniques.

Dr. Deepak Chopra has pointed out that each cell of our body is not only a miniature mind but a "little ear" listening in on everything we say and think - positive or negative.

In The Law of Mental Medicine by Thomas Jay Hudson, Hudson states that not only do we have a dual mind, or two states of consciousness, and also that "our subjective mind is extremely amenable to the power of suggestion." In other words, "Whatever suggestions are imparted to it constitute the premises from which it reasons," IF the conscious mind that imparts these suggestions makes a convincing case that is emotionally satisfying to what today we call the subconscious mind.

The subjective mind, it appears, is dominated by the power of suggestion, except to the degree that these suggestions run counter to one's moral principles.

Now the self-suggestions, or affirmations, have to be within the realm of the possible.

All well and good, you say, "But where's the money? Where are my clients? Why isn't my business growing? Why aren't my affirmations working?

One reason, among many, may be that your inner mind is bored out of its mind hearing these same old bromides over and over and has stopped listening. Perhaps it wishes you'd stop saying them. So, how do we revive, rekindle its interest, if this is the case?

For an answer let's turn to a book called Psychic Healing by Yogi Ramacharaka, written in 1906, and actually written by Chicago businessman William Walker Atkinson who wrote over a hundred books during his lifetime, some under his own name, others as Yogi Ramacharaka, Theron Q. Dumont, and numerous other aliases, for reasons known only by William Walker Atkinson.

Atkinson - Yogi Ramacharaka - writes: "The very cells of the body respond to Suggestion," which, in the light of our DNA being a biological computer, makes sense now. Atkinson, of course, did not have this knowledge when he wrote claimed that "The very cells of our body respond to Suggestion."

Writing as Theron Q. Dumont in Mental Therapeutics (1916), Atkinson provides a vital key for amping up the subjective mind's "amenability to suggestions," rather than turning a deaf ear to them out of boredom.

You imagine yourself treating yourself as a client sitting in a chair in front of you or else reclining on a couch with you standing or sitting by your side. Then you give your imagined self suggestions applicable to your case, telling yourself just what results you expect yourself to accomplish, telling yourself firmly and positively that the result WILL be accomplished.

Pick out the key-words of the suggestion that is the strong, vibrant words that you wish to stand out in your own mind during and after your session. The real you, in other words, is talking to the you seen in your imagination, but it is from your mind to its mind communication.

You're playing a dual-role. Rather than saying, "I am this or that," you suggest rather than affirm. Instead of "I am fearless and courageous," suggest to your imaginative self, "Bill, you are courageous and fearless; every day you are gaining in courage and fearlessness, and you're getting stronger and stronger every day you live. Every day, in every way, you're getting better and better." Do you get the idea?

Let's say your name is Betty. Tell Betty what you expect her to do and become. You will be surprised to see how alert and interested your subconscious mentality will become. By this plan you are able to pour receptive, positive suggestions into your subjective mind.

Atkinson claims that in this form of Mental Suggestion you are enacting the dual role of suggestor and suggestee - the one giving the suggestions and the one receiving them, both at the same time. The conscious "you" is suggesting to the subconscious "you." To repeat, this scene takes place in your imagination and the suggestions you send are silent, not spoken.

"You, Bill, are bright, cheerful and happy." "You, Mary, take an interest in life and see everything as a new and happy world." "You, Mike, have every reason to have faith and confidence in your future." "You, Kate, feel the spirit of life and youth springing up inside you and you are enjoying life fully."

Now, Bill, Mary, Mike, Kate, tell your younger self, present self, or future self that you're glad to see them, that each has a strong, healthy body doing its work properly, and that they sit or stand before you as an ideally healthy person. We all need a little encouragement from time to time to perk ourselves up, don't we?

It's fun, isn't it, to know you are eagerly listening to, believe in, and are on the verge of manifesting everything you're telling yourself?

By the way, remind yourself - when you do speak to yourself - how incredibly successful, prosperous, and happy you already are.

"Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy." - Guillaume Apollinaire, French poet

James Clayton Napier worked as a TV news anchor, talk show host, and feature story reporter in Texas for thirteen years. James interviewed thousands of people during his career from the highest and mightiest to those whose lives were so quiet they might never have been noticed had he not decided to tell their stories. He has also taught TV news reporting and speech communication at three universities. Learn more about James' current projects at

Stair Building Code

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Enhancing Your Sex Life Through Sensuality

Description: Sexual intimacy, not just sex is important in a relationship.Taking time to understand sensual sex can greatly enhance a couples sex life.

When we talk about sensuality in relation to sex, we are speaking of the things that arouse your sexual senses without involving the genital areas, things such as touching, caressing, and cuddling. Sensuality is not sex, but it can lead to a more pleasurable and fulfilling sexual experience. Sensuality in a relationship is very important. Many times when it seems that sexual intercourse is not frequent enough, sensuality can compensate for that.

Pleasing your partner and getting what you need from a sexual relationship sometimes can be a very delicate balancing act. Sometimes there is a tendency for one partner to always be the giver while the other partner is the taker. Eventually, this will lead to neither partner being fully satisfied.

The Sensual Massage

Touching is the most basic way to communicate love effectively. The combination of scent and touch is a very effective way to open up intimacy between two people. Many times the touch can be more effective in communicating our feelings than words. The sensual massage is a very special way to do this, and can bring not just relaxation, but also a keener sense of intimacy to both partners. As you massage, your touch will elevate the level of oxytocin, the hormone that is needed in high levels for the process of sexual arousal.

Most women are very receptive to a massage. However, how receptive she is will depend on her mood. You may want to start with a regular massage, then ease your way into more intimate massaging and touching.

Think Sexy

There is nothing sexier than a confident man or a confident woman. Even if you're not feeling very confident, learn how to look that way. People usually respond to the image that is portrayed. So if you think and act sexy, you will find that the people around you will think that way about you too.

Create a Sensual Atmosphere

Is your bedroom sexy, or does it feel like a room to just sleep in? If you intend to spice up your love life, creating a sensual atmosphere in your bedroom is a good way to start. This doesn't have to take a lot of work. Often, small touches can make a big difference. Warm vibrant colors like reds, pinks and oranges can enhance sensuality. Also, displaying a sexy picture of yourself wouldn't hurt. Do whatever it takes to make you and your partner feel relaxed and uninhibited.

Jackie Beck is the owner and founder of Healing Combinations.

Healing Combinations can help you enhance your sex life. They produce natural remedies for common emotional and physical issues using Bach Flower combinations. The Sensual Sex combination can help increase your sex drive and help you to have more fulfilling sexual experiences. It is available at Think of it as an affirmation for your soul.

Water Damage Cleanup

What Are The 10 Rules Of The Power Of Positive Thinking?

The power of positive thinking and the top ten rules in getting it is one of the hottest topic today.

This is because people are realizing that positive thinking and a positive attitude does affect life significantly. Have you heard of "The Secret" movie? It's rapidly making it's way around the world.
Whether you see a glass as half-empty or half-full can affect the way you treat yourself. We are in control of our lives and our destiny.

An idle brain, is a devils' workshop they say. This is not a positive quote. However, using this ideology in mind, we ventured to write on positive thinking, so that something productive would be achieved of our minds.

Here are the top 10 Rules to Get the Power of Positive Thinking

1) Believe - You need to believe. You can not pretend to be a positive thinker. In positive thinking, you can not fake it because there is no one to pretend to. If somebody merely believes that you are a positive thinker, how can that benefit you? The most important of the ten rules of the power of positive thinking is that you yourself should believe it.

2) Be objective - This is very important in the ten rules for the power of positive thinking. Many people tend to see their lives for their failures and thus, they lose all hope of ever attaining in their goal. Some other people, filled with false pride, tend to magnify their success and they make all the wrong decisions.

3) Surround yourself with people who have a positive attitude - When you are engaged in an internal battle between your negative and positive self, you will need all the help you can get. Do not surround yourself with negative people who will just drag your positive attitude to the floor with their negativity.

4) Be healthy - All of the positive thinking in the world will not help you if you are six feet under, can it? You have to keep your body healthy in order to fuel your positive thinking. One step to achieving the power of positive thinking is looking after your body.

5) Switch negativity around - Remove all negative thoughts by repelling it outright when something negative enters your personality. Channel that energy into positive thoughts. Positive quotes and positive affirmations will help to keep negativity away.

6) Be patient - Positive thinking is not immediate. You need to reprogram yourself in order to get remove any negative attitude you possess.

7) Remember that other people can sense your negativity - Before you do anything, be sure to have the right attitude. One reason why people fail is because others can sense their negative attitude and want no part of it. Positive thoughts, positive thinking, and positive affirmation create a positive attitude

8) Be positive - Always look for something positive in everything new. When you encounter something unfamiliar, do not be afraid. Take a hard look at it and see it for the positive effects it brings, this will make your life easier.

9) Pace yourself - You need to pace yourself in order to prevent yourself from collapsing. Take life one day at a time. Remember that you can not hurry into being positive. Be patient and you will achieve a positive attitude.

10) Apply the change - The main characteristic of these ten rules of the power of positive thinking is the fact that they only bring you to the door. You have to open it yourself. Many individuals do not realize this, but we need these rules in order to appreciate life more. Some people think rules limit our achievements, but this is untrue. Without any rules, we would have been extinct centuries ago. Rules remove the chaos that is called life and impose sanity into it.

Rules are what we use to help us understand the true meaning of life. Sometimes, we look for rules in order to help us attain our goals. People make rules in order to help themselves achieve their goals in a manner that they can understand. Rules are also used to help us understand life. People give out rules in order to help others get what they want. We are able to keep every discovery made because of rules.

It seems that people, when looking for rules, like to stick to ten, which is a nice, round number. It comes as no surprise that individuals look for 10 rules for the power of positive thinking.

Andrew Chin is a recognized authority on the subject of Positive Thinking.

His web site on The Power of Positive Thinking provides a wealth of information on Positive Attitude. All rights reserved. Articles may be reprinted as long as the content and links remains unchanged.

Carl Rogers