Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How and Why Do Positive Affirmations Work?

We all possess a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. We're mostly aware of our conscious mind because we talk to it everyday whether it be in the form of positive affirmations or of negative thoughts. Conversely, it talks to us as well. These are not actually two different minds. Instead, they are two spheres actively working within one single mind. Your conscious mind is the reasoning mind. It is the phase of mind which makes choices.

All decisions that you make throughout your day are done through the conscious mind. What you eat, what you wear, even reading this article is a conscious choice. Yet, on the other hand, all of your bodily functions, your breathing, digestion, circulation, and heartbeat are all maintained automatically by the subconscious mind...totally independent of your conscious 'control'.

The subconscious mind accepts whatever it is that is impressed upon it or whatever it is that you consciously believe. It does not reason things out like your conscious mind does, nor does it doubt or argue with your decisions. It merely follows orders. If you were to consciously assume something to be true, even though it is false, your subconscious mind, without doubt, without question, will accept it as true and will proceed in bringing about the requested results.

Your subconscious mind is like the soil that accepts any type of seed, good or bad. Whichever type of seed you plant, the subconscious mind will work earnestly to bring forth the fruit of your desire. Hence, the power of positive affirmations. Should you doubt for even a moment that this is not true, then look closely at what type of 'seeds' you plant on a daily basis and you will find that your life is in direct proportion to what you have been planting for quite some time now.

This is why it is of great importance to become aware of the type of thoughts that you send to your subconscious mind, for it will surely bring about whatever it is that you believe.

The easiest way to bring about positive changes into your life is through the repetition of positive affirmations. These affirmations, done several times daily, especially when you find yourself in a negative, or chaotic moment, will help reprogram your thinking from a negative, doubtful and fearful frame of mind, into a complete powerhouse of positive and unlimited potential. Doing so, you will help rid yourself of such things as bad habits, overcoming doubt, fear and assist you in reaching your goals.

This can all be accomplished with the handy aid of written index cards, a journal, recorded messages, subliminal messages, verbal statements, or even statements repeated to yourself as you are falling asleep at night. With a combination of making your positive affirmations as short as possible, using words in the present tense such as 'I will', 'I can', and by also using very easy to understand language, will serve as a major factor in making it much easier to repeat your affirmations in longer sequences. By doing so, you are also more apt to repeat them more often throughout the day. Repetition of course, being the major key.

For better results, don't repeat the affirmations and then moments later find yourself repeating negative thoughts. Doing so will only be counterproductive and you'll only end up right back to where you started.

You can avoid this dilemma by being a bit more aware of your thoughts and instantly replacing the negative with the positive. What may at first appear to be entirely impossible, can be done and you can do it. In fact, the more you practice the observation of yourself, the easier and more productive you will become.

To help increase both the speed and quality of your affirmations, you can, at least once a day, (or as often as you'd like) take several minutes a day and in a quiet place, close your eyes and visualize you having in your possession what it is you are desiring. Believe it, be thankful and most importantly, feel it with every bit of emotion that you can bring about with all of your might.

By maintaining and believing in the above suggestions on a consistent basis, your subconscious mind will faithfully be bringing about all of your heart's desires. Even after your first experience of manifesting your thoughts, you may find yourself thinking that this all came about as a fluke, a 'coincidence'. But then, what is 'coincidence' other than an event to 'c-o-i-n-c-i-d-e' with your wishes?

Perhaps after your second revelation, you will then begin to realize and accept even more so the truth that there is indeed, a very magical and awesome power hidden within. By having harnessed this unlimited power with positive thoughts and beliefs, you will know, without doubt, that you are capable of creating a reality and destination for yourself that will be far beyond your most wildest dreams!

Want To Learn More About How You Can Easily Increase Your Positive Affirmations And Become More Effective In Obtaining Your Goals and Ambitions?

Visualization And Affirmations

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